Staplehurst School

Primary Sports & PE Funding 2022 - 2023

As a legacy of the 2012 Olympic games, the government provides additional PE and Sport funding directly to schools. The PE and Sport Premium package is designed to help children get an active start to life, supporting primary schools to improve the quality of their PE and sport provision so that pupils can experience the benefits of regular exercise – from becoming healthier both mentally and physically to improved behaviour and better academic achievement. Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they have the freedom to choose how they do this. This statement outlines how we have invested our funding and the impact of our expenditure.

At our school we are committed to ensuring our children understand the importance of being active, having a healthy lifestyle and enjoy sports and games activities.

In 2022 – 2023 we invested the money in:

  • Providing continuing professional development for our teaching staff by providing them the opportunity to work alongside a specialist PE teacher, developing their skills and subject knowledge.
  • Offering a broad range of extra-curricular sports clubs for which pupils can take part, inspiring interest and aptitude in a range of disciplines.
  • Ensuring high quality professional equipment (including PE kits) were available for lessons, break times and extra-curricular clubs to ensure all children had access.
  • Providing enrichment opportunities with visitors and workshops.

PE and Sport Funding 2022 – 2023

Total amount carried over from 2021/22


Total amount allocated for 2021/22


How much (if any) do you intend to carry over from this total fund into2022/23


Total amount allocated for 2022/23


Total amount of funding for 2022/23. To be spent and reported on by 31stJuly 2023



How the money has been spent:

 Allocation Area (Percentage of total funding)


Earmarked 2023/24

Staffing – Team teaching / Cover / TLR (56%)



Equipment – PE/Sport/Playground/PE kits (23%)



TWKSSP Tier 3 package (8%)



Enrichment opportunities – Keeping Healthy Week, Visitors, Workshops (13%)










The school measured the impact of the sports fund grant spending at the end of 2022 – 2023 through pupil interviews, evaluations completed by specialist teacher, analysis of club activities.

  • The embedding of a team-teaching programme of support for staff was introduced from continued after a trial period last year. Through working alongside subject leader and specialist PE teacher, staff were able to develop their subject knowledge and skills in teaching physical education through a coaching model of observation, team teaching, skill building and review. A wide range of skills and techniques were modelled, including lessons structures and questioning using realPE platform. As a result, progress in the delivery of the PE curriculum was evident. All teachers received team teaching across the year and 15/15 teachers increased in confidence in delivery. The investment in staff has developed the delivery of lessons, thus raising the quality of PE provided for children.
  • Analysis of club register of extra-curricular clubs has shown the number of children being physically active has increased by 8% across the school. All club spaces are fully signed up. 45% (17/38) of SEND children attended sports clubs up from 32%. 52% (40/77) PP signed up for and attended clubs an increase of 19% from previous year. Sports Premium spend supported a 12% increase in the number of girls attending extra-curricular clubs, increasing to 58%.
  • Purchasing of sufficient amounts of high-quality PE equipment, spare PE kits and playground equipment has seen a reduction in the number of children being physically inactive during PE lessons and at breaktimes. It has removed a barrier to physical activity and has created opportunities for the children to become more physically active in the future.
  • Keeping Healthy Week provided opportunities to focus on ‘Belonging’. Children across the school had access to a number of different activities such as: Fencing, Climbing, Archery, Orienteering, Circuit training and Hoola Hooping. During this week, Olympian Matt Weston delivered inspirational assemblies and workshops with the children. The week ended with intra-school competition. The evaluations of the week demonstrated engagement and enthusiasm in participating in Physical Activity or sport from a significant majority of children and increased knowledge of keeping healthy across the school.
  • Use of Sports Premium funding has raised the profile of PESSPA across the school, with an increase in children enjoying PE (based on pupil survey) and recognising the importance of PE.


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres?

N.B. Even though your pupils may swim in another year please report on their attainment on leaving primary school
at the end of the summer term 2022.

Please see note above


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]?

Please see note above


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue indifferent water-based situations?


Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and sport premium to provide additionalprovision for swimming but this must be for activity
over and above the national curriculum requirements. 

Have you used it in this way?



Future Initiatives 2023/2024

  • School Games Mark Silver – Sports Premium funding will provide opportunities for children to attend inter-intra school competitions, increasing the number of children accessing competitive and non-competitive competitions.
  • Continue to develop staff in delivery of high-quality PE lessons through team teaching.
  • Swimming percentages are fairly low, potential funding allocation to additional swimming.

Staplehurst School

“The more we expect of ourselves and one another, the more we can achieve”

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