Staplehurst School

Staplehurst School Governing Body

Together with the Headteacher, the Governing Body has overall responsibility for the running of the school. The Governing Body has a largely strategic role, providing advice and support whilst delegating day-to-day management to the Headteacher and her Senior Leadership Team.

Our Governing Body is made up of 12 representatives from the local community, parents and school staff who are appointed on a voluntary basis and meet up to six times per year.

As well as sitting on the Governing Body, Governors are asked to join at least one of the committees. The Learning & Development Committee reviews pupils’ performance and looks at the Curriculum and the way it is taught whilst the Finance & Premises Committee monitors the school’s finances as well as discussing any matters relating to premises and staff. Minutes of the Governing Body meetings are a matter of public record and are held in the school office for parents/carers to view upon request.

We also ask Governors to link themselves to one of the school's priorities, as set out in the School Improvement Plan, or another important aspect of school life as part of their monitoring responsibilities - for example, our Finance ‘Link Governor’ will meet up with the Business Manager on a regular basis whilst our Safeguarding ‘Link Governor’ will meet up with our Assistant Head for Inclusion.

Joining the Governing Body

If you are interested in becoming a Governor please contact the school on 01580 891765 (term time only) or email:

Staplehurst School

“The more we expect of ourselves and one another, the more we can achieve”

You can request a paper copy of any information
on our website CLICK HERE

