Staplehurst School


Every school has policies and procedures which define how it should be run. Some policies are statutory, whilst others are at the Governing Body’s discretion. Policies are usually reviewed and approved by Governors via one of the two sub-Committees – Learning & Development and Finance & Resources – or delegated to the Headteacher.

Below is a list of policies, plans and procedures (in alphabetical order) which you may find useful:

Attendance Policy (September 2023)

Behaviour & Discipline Policy (November 2023)

Blended Learning (September 2021)

Charging Policy  (May 2024)

Child Protection Policy (September 2023) 

Children with Health Needs who cannot attend school (March 2023)

Confidentiality (January 2024)

Complaints (June 2023)

Data Protection and Record Management (March 2023)

Positive Handling (May 2024)

Privacy Notice (October 2018)

Equality Policy   (March 2024)

Freddom of Information Policy (September 2021)

Home-School Agreement (November 2023)

ICT Policy (September 2021)

Mobile Phone Policy (January 2024)

Onine Safety Policy (November 2020)

Positive Handling Policy (September 2022)

School Visitor Policy (March 2023)

School Uniform Policy (October 2022)

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) Policy (November 2023)

Special Educational Needs & Disability Policy (November 2023)

Spelling (March 2023)

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions (March 2024)

Teaching and Learning Policy (June 2021)

Whole School Food Policy (January 2024)

Wrap-Around Care Policy (Wrap-Around Care Policy (May 2024)


Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like a paper copy of any of our Policies.

Staplehurst School

“The more we expect of ourselves and one another, the more we can achieve”

You can request a paper copy of any information
on our website CLICK HERE

