Staplehurst School

School Council

 Who are the school council? 

At Staplehurst Primary School our School Councillors have been elected by their peers.  This helps children learn about elections and democracy and shows the importance placed on pupil voice at Staplehurst Primary School. 

What Do We Do?

Members of the Council take part in discussions and votes and also feedback any relevant information to their class. They may be requested to ask their class for ideas or take class votes relating to discussions by the Council.

Members meet regularly with MrsForeman to discuss ways in which they feel they can influence the school for the better. This may be ideas to improve playtimes, after school clubs, lessons or what charities they want to support through fund-raising activities.

School Council Fundraising

School council have been busy organising fundraising activities. The fun started in November 2022 with Children in Need and further fundraisers are planned throughout the year. 

At Staplehurst Primary School our School Councillors have been elected by their peers.  This helps children learn about elections and democracy and shows the importance placed on pupil voice at Staplehurst Primary School.  

Staplehurst School

“The more we expect of ourselves and one another, the more we can achieve”

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