“The more we expect of ourselves and one another,
the more we can achieve”
Helping your child at home
There are a number of ways you can help your child’s learning at home. Regular reading – both reading with your child and listening while they read to you – is very beneficial at all ages, as is taking children to see places of interest. This gives children a wider context for their learning, especially if visits are tied in with school topics.
There are other things you can do, depending on the age of your child:
- Times table practice (from year 2)
- Learn phonetic phonemes
- Learn spellings
- Ensure homework is completed and handed in on time
- Take your child to the library, to choose books but also to research topics
- Talk to your child about what they are learning! As well as giving you information, the process of “explaining” what they’ve learned to you will help fix that knowledge in the child’s mind
For more detailed information on how you can help your child specifically with reading, writing and maths, please see our Literacy and Numeracy pages.
Home Learning during school closure
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