Staplehurst School

The Parent Forum

The new Parents’ Forum provides an opportunity for us to discuss ways in which we can partner together to build on our strengths and further improve your child’s experience at Staplehurst School. It is held every term, meeting at least 6 times a year, and is run by Miss Davenport, our Headteacher.

The Forum provides the perfect opportunity for parents to raise matters for whole school improvement and make a really positive impact on the pupils experience at Staplehurst School. If you have anything you would like to raise why not come along to one of our meetings or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Please note the Council only discusses whole school matters and any issues relating to a specific child/experience/concern should be relayed to the class teacher in the first instance.


Next meeting:



Minutes of Previous Meetings:


Staplehurst School

“The more we expect of ourselves and one another, the more we can achieve”

You can request a paper copy of any information
on our website CLICK HERE

